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Beautiful And Durable Mulch For Your Landscape

WEB Lasting Beauty Premium Shredded Rubber Mulch

Beautiful and Durable Mulch for Your Landscape

Benefits of WEB Lasting Beauty Premium Shredded Rubber Mulch:

WEB Lasting Beauty Premium Shredded Rubber Mulch is made from 100% recycled rubber, making it an environmentally friendly choice for your landscaping. This mulch is also:

- **Five times heavier than wood mulches**, so it will not erode during heavy rains. - **Realistically textured**, so it looks identical to wood mulch. - **Does not attract termites**, making it a safe choice for your home. - **Will not fade, rot, or compress**, so it will retain its original beauty for years to come. - **Has three times more coverage than wood mulch**, so you'll need less to cover the same area.

Recommended Landscaping Depth

The recommended landscaping depth for WEB Lasting Beauty Premium Shredded Rubber Mulch is 2-3 inches. This will provide adequate coverage and weed suppression, while still allowing water and air to reach your plants' roots.


WEB Lasting Beauty Premium Shredded Rubber Mulch is a beautiful, durable, and environmentally friendly choice for your landscaping. It will provide years of enjoyment without the need for replacement, making it a wise investment for your home.
